Jesus Calls Him Good

If you were to use the phrase “good Samaritan” to describe someone, what would you mean by it? Maybe you’re ascribing to them some great act of heroism or just a small act of kindness. Let’s think about what the Jewish hearers of Jesus’ day would’ve thought about when they heard that phrase. Most likely, they would’ve thought that is an impossible pairing of words because they would associate Samaritans with the worst kinds of people.

In our text this week, Jesus uses this parable of a good Samaritan to answer the questions of an expert in Jewish law. The parable speaks to the heart of the man asking the questions. Through this parable, Jesus reminds the man how sincere love for God is reflected through mercy and compassion for one’s neighbor. The parable emphasizes the kind of love that originates from the heart of God for His people and that He wants the world to know.

So often when I read this parable of the good Samaritan, I see myself in the characters of the parable. But as I read it this time, I’m convicted about being the one to whom this parable is directed. Jesus gives this parable in response to the legal expert’s question. That man is looking for the qualifying actions that will allow him to be with God now and forever. Jesus’ response in this way of calling the Samaritan “good” is striking both then and now to anyone who is literally trying to be in good standing with God.

God alone has the ability to qualify us to be good with Him now and forever. To show mercy in deep and meaningful ways, each of us must know how mercy is shown to us through the covenant God has made with His people through the person and work of Jesus Christ. Like the Jewish legal expert, you and I are only qualified by God’s say so that we are good with Him.

Somehow, by God’s miraculous work, the knowledge of God’s mercy towards us must reach our hearts in a way that moves us to want to live and love like him. May it be so for us as His chosen ambassadors for His Kingdom in the world today. God please help us by the power of your Spirit to know your love deeply and show your love meaningfully to all people – especially those most despised! Afterall, you have given bad people like me a new identity in your Kingdom as you are calling us “GOOD” to the praise of your glory!

Grateful & Hopeful in Christ,
