The God Who Gives

Earlier this week at Community Group we discussed the question “Are all gods the same?” So many other philosophical questions stem from this one. Do all roads lead to one God? Does it matter who or what we worship as long as we are honoring some sort of higher power? Are we “saved” by the strength of our devotion to a set of beliefs or are we saved by the object of our faith- Christ?

What do you think? Are all gods the same? What sets Yahweh- the trinitarian God of the Bible- apart from all other gods?

Over the past month, when I read my Bible I began to note how the Lord is different from other gods.

-He’s the God who promises his presence.

-He’s the God who pays attention to the suffering of his people.

-He’s the covenant maker, and he never forgets or goes back on his promises.

-He’s the God who shows mercy even in his righteous judgement.

-He’s a God who doesn’t exploit our weaknesses but shelters us.

-He’s the God who gives grace even to the grumblers.

-He’s the God who gives his people rest.

-He’s the God who carries us to himself.

-He’s a compassionate God who protects widows and orphans and cares for the poor.

-He warns us about what will hurt us.

-He calls us to celebrate.

-He’s not a God who is far off, but dwells among his people.

-He’s a personal God who knows and calls each of us by name.

-He’s the God who gives.

He’s the God who gives. Isn’t that the glory of what we celebrate this week? Every other god in history takes and takes and takes. With a wrath that demands to be appeased by good works, or offerings, how can we ever do enough to satisfy these gods?

We can’t.

We can never make it to God, so God came to us. He became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus showed us exactly what kind of God we have- a Father who loves us beyond measure. A Father who makes a way for us to be united to him, through the blood of Jesus. There is no god in history or our culture like Yahweh! None who rushes to save or extends mercy. None whose kindness, absolute kindness, leads us to repentance. What kind of God does that?!There’s only one!

This Easter, may our hearts break open wide in praise. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Because of his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for us. Though we have not seen him, we love him. Oh, how we love him! Though not seeing him now, we believe in him, and rejoice together with inexpressible and glorious joy, because we are receiving the goal of our faith, the salvation of our souls. Amen.

