November Announcements

November Mission Partner: Overnight Warming Center-Alton’s Overnight Warming Center helps our unhoused neighbors with shelter during nights that are 20 degrees and colder. They provide a warm meal each night and each morning and ensure their guests are able to get somewhere warm once they leave the next morning. There are several ways to become involved with the OWCA. To volunteer at the OWCA, go to -

If you’re interested in raising funds for the warming center, consider participating in the second annual Sleep Out on Thursday, November 10 at the Lincoln Douglas Square. You are committing to spending a night outside together and raising support from friends and family for OWCA. There is no minimum fundraising requirement. Sign up to participate or donate at

As with all of our monthly mission partners, The Bridge will match the first $500 given in November to the OWCA. You can give online or note OWCA in the memo of your check. Thank you for helping to care for our unhoused neighbors during the coldest nights of the year!

November Memory Verse:

Are you looking for ways to help your kids memorize the November memory verse at home? An easy way of learning by repetition is singing! Listen here:

Imago Dei Art Show: C.S. Lewis said “There are no ordinary people. You have never met a mere mortal.” Every person you ever encounter bears the image of God. Invite your friends and join us as we celebrate the Imago Dei through song, dance, poetry, and art. This event is free of charge, however we will be collecting an offering to support Be a Bridge and the work they do in our community.

November Women’s Service Project: Restore Decor is a local non-profit that repurposes and refinishes donated furniture, which is then sold in their Edwardsville shop. The money they raise is given to area non-profits and to help local families in need. For this service project, we will be painting furniture. No prior experience is necessary, but this is a messy endeavor so dress accordingly. Only two spots remain so be sure to sign up soon! To register or for more details, check out the Church Center app or tap the link below.

Night of Prayer for Haiti: Gang wars, violence, starvation, homelessness, cholera. There are so many things against the Haitian people right now, but we know God is for them, and He invites us to intercede on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Haiti. If your heart has been moved by the plight of the people in Haiti, we invite you to join us for this evening of prayer. Sign up HERE.

Coffee Talk: This women's group inspired by IF:Table Questions meets monthly. Women will take turns asking the questions, and allow everyone enough time to share or respond. Gain new perspectives and insight while connecting with women of faith! Bring your coffee and a snack and meet us in the Adult Education Room on November 19th at 10:00am. Contact Taylor at for more information! Sign up HERE.

Thanksgiving Worship and Dessert Fellowship: This special night of Thanksgiving worship led by Nick Bifano will help us center our hearts on the good gifts our heavenly Father has given us. It's the perfect way to begin the holiday season! Following worship, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall to share dessert together. Please bring a dessert to share. Register on Church Center or at

Family Movie Night: Bring your blankets and chairs and meet us in the Fellowship Hall for hot cocoa, cookies and a Christmas movie. All ages are welcome! Register for this event on Church Center or at

Christmas Care Package Delivery: Did you know there are people in our Bridge Family who aren’t able to make it to church because of health issues? We would love to take them some holiday cheer! We will meet at The Bridge at 2 PM on 12/4 to deliver care packages and sing some Christmas carols at each home. If you’d like to donate baked goods for the care packages or recommend someone we should visit, please see Natalie Runyon. Please sign up on Church Center or through the following link:

December Women’s Service Project: Meals for Alton Mission - The Alton Mission engages in a meal every Sunday with anyone that is in need in our community. It is an open table where all are welcome. For our December service project we would like to provide frozen meals for the Alton Mission to use. Meals should be delivered to the church on 12/8. All of the details can be found at the following link:

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community.

November 4: First Fridays Late Night Art and Shopping Experience

November 11: Great Rivers Choral Society, To Life and Liberty Concert

November 20: Alton Youth Symphony Fall Concert

November 26: Green Gift Bazaar on Small Business Saturday

Nursery: We are looking for those willing to hang out with the Bridge’s most precious and hilarious members (ages 0-2) during Sunday services. Volunteers can sign up to serve on a once monthly, bi-monthly, or substitute basis by contacting Jill Adam at 217.779.9637.

God has given each of us gifts to use to build up the church. Whether you are new to The Bridge, or have been around for a bit, we have a place for you! If you’re wondering how you can serve at The Bridge, email us at

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

Student Ministries: Each Sunday, middle school youth group meets from 5-6:30 PM and high school from 6:30-8 PM. Come connect with other students as we grow in our faith together.

Sunday Morning Apologetics: Join the series - “Who Do You Say That I Am?: The Life of Jesus Christ”. Using the arts and movies from the silent film era to the present, as well as the Old Testament’s prophetic Scriptures and the New Testament Gospels, the series blends into a single narrative the life of Jesus Christ. His birth, ministry, teachings, his miracles, death and resurrection will be discussed and studied. A defending of the faith (apologetics) eye will also be pressed upon this all-encompassing portrait of Christ. The series will go through the remainder of the year and is held in the Adult Education Room every Sunday at 9 AM.

Rhythms of Renewal: Daily struggles with anxiety and stress make it difficult to receive God's peace. Trade your anxiety for the vibrant life you were meant to live through four profound rhythms: rest, restore, connect, and create. This five week study is the perfect way for women to establish new rhythms through the busy holiday season and leading into the new year! Purchase your study guide here:

1 Peter: Our inheritance through Christ is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. In 1 Peter, a man of faith and flaws, and an eyewitness to the life of Christ, challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to a future inheritance. On Thursday nights from 6:30-8:00 PM, join women from The Bridge as they walk through this study of 1 Peter by Jen Wilkin. To join, talk to Brenda Wooff or Julie Paul.

Community Groups: Community Groups resume meeting in September. To find a Community Group that’s right for you, or to learn more about leading or hosting a group, see Pastor Jon.