December Announcements

December Mission Partner: While we have no featured mission partner this month, our Bridge Family has an opportunity to provide gifts for a local family. The items we need are listed on ornaments on the Christmas tree in the foyer. Choose one or two to purchase, and then return your unwrapped gift to the church no later than 12/18. Questions? See Natalie or Cathy.

12/11 and the Christmas Candlelight Service on 12/18

Advent at The Bridge: For the next six weeks we will be walking through Romans 8, focusing on the hope we have because of the incarnation: Christ with us, his Spirit in us, and our Father for us- forever! In our grief or joy, whatever our lot, nothing can separate us from the love of God! Who in your life needs this message of comfort? Invite them to join us on Sundays at 10 AM.

Christmas Ensemble: Can you carry a tune? Are you available to practice on Tuesday nights, November 29, December 6 and 13 from 7-8:30 PM? Eddie needs you for the Christmas Ensemble!! The ensemble will be performing at the Christmas Candlelight Service on 12/18. Talk to Eddie if you have questions, or just show up for practice.

December Memory Verse:

Children's Choir: Our Bridge Kids will be participating in worship on 12/18 by adding their voices to a choir. Practices will be held the last 15 minutes of service on 11/27, 12/4 and 12/11, with a rehearsal in the sanctuary following worship on 12/11. Pizza will be provided following practice. In preparation, please have your kids listen to the following songs on YouTube. PreK and up:

Kindergarten and up:

Family Movie Night: Bring your blankets and chairs and meet us in the Fellowship Hall on 12/2 for hot cocoa, cookies and a Christmas movie. All ages are welcome! Register for this event on Church Center or HERE.

Christmas Care Package Delivery: Did you know there are people in our Bridge Family who aren’t able to make it to church because of health issues? We would love to take them some holiday cheer! We will meet at The Bridge at 2 PM on 12/4 to deliver care packages and sing some Christmas carols at each home. If you’d like to donate baked goods for the care packages or recommend someone we should visit, please see Natalie Runyon. Please sign up on Church Center or HERE.

December Women’s Service Project: Meals for Alton Mission - The Alton Mission engages in a meal every Sunday with anyone that is in need in our community. It is an open table where all are welcome. For our December service project we would like to provide frozen meals for the Alton Mission to use. Meals should be delivered to the church on 12/8. All of the details can be found at the following link:

Christmas Make and Take: Learn to make a DIY Christmas Porch Pot while connecting with other women at The Bridge. This holiday class provides step by step instructions on choosing and arranging greenery and other items in your Porch Pot. Drinks and light snacks will be provided. Cost is $25 per person to create one pot and $40 to create a second. RSVP by 12/8 on

God Forever With Us - A Christmas Candlelight Service: The Candlelight Service is a special night of worship at The Bridge. Bring your friends and family and join us Sunday, December 18 at 6:00 PM. This service fills up quickly, so plan to arrive early.

As a church that is for our city, we want to encourage those who call The Bridge their home to check out and support local events and live missionally in our community. December 1: Lucy Haskell Playhouse Fundraiser

December 3: Santa at the Playhouse

December 3-4: ABOB Olde Alton Arts & Crafts Fair

Men's Bible Study: Tuesday mornings from 7-8, the men of The Bridge meet to study and discuss the upcoming week's sermon text. Coffee and donuts are provided.

Sunday Morning Apologetics: Join the series - “Who Do You Say That I Am?: The Life of Jesus Christ”. Using the arts and movies from the silent film era to the present, as well as the Old Testament’s prophetic Scriptures and the New Testament Gospels, the series blends into a single narrative the life of Jesus Christ. His birth, ministry, teachings, his miracles, death and resurrection will be discussed and studied. A defending of the faith (apologetics) eye will also be pressed upon this all-encompassing portrait of Christ. The series will go through the remainder of the year and is held in the Adult Education Room every Sunday at 9 AM.

Community Groups: To find a Community Group that’s right for you, or to learn more about leading or hosting a group, see Pastor Jon.